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Παρασκευή 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

Jolin Tsai《dear object Untitled》Official MV. Αγαπητό αντικείμενο 蔡依林 親愛的對象

Jolin Tsai《Untitled》Official MV
蔡依林 Jolin Tsai《親愛的對象 Untitled》Official MV |「關於我和鬼變成家人的那件事」電影主題曲
100 αστέρια χορωδία "Κίνα" Διάφοροι καλλιτέχνες Νέο Έτος

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz6XOY9RNTrp3IwM1u4078Q

Έχετε μια απροσδιόριστη σιωπηρή κατανόηση είσαι αγαπητέ μου
Jolin Tsai "Αγαπητό αντικείμενο" Θεματικό τραγούδι της ταινίας "About the Time That Ghost and I Became Family"
Το "Dear Object" είναι το τραγούδι ραμμένο στα μέτρα σας για την ταινία "About Me and the Ghost Becoming a Family Member". Αφού διάβασε το σενάριο και το τρέιλερ της ταινίας, η Jolin έδωσε στην "αγάπη" μια νέα κατανόηση, με το "Object" αναφέρεται στο το είδος της οικειότητας που δεν ορίζεται και δεν χρειάζεται να εξηγηθεί.Μετά τη βάπτιση του χρόνου, κάποιοι μπορεί να γίνουν μέλη της οικογένειας, σύντροφοι και φίλοι.
Ο αγγλικός τίτλος του τραγουδιού "Untitled" είναι η ιδανική κατάσταση που επιδιώκει η Jolin σε αυτό το τραγούδι. Όταν η "σχέση" μεταξύ δύο ανθρώπων ξεπερνά το όριο του ονόματος, είναι καλύτερα να διατηρήσετε την άνεση και την ανοχή του "Untitled", γιατί αγάπη Στην ουσία, μπορούμε να βρούμε το πιο άνετο σημείο προσγείωσης στο φάσμα.
Η Jolin τραγουδά αργά με μια μέθοδο τραγουδιού που μοιάζει με ιστορία, συνοδευόμενη από ζεστό αλλά θολό ήχο πιάνου, με βάση την Urban Pop, με την εξέλιξη της ιστορίας, εισάγει σταδιακά τον ρυθμό της ελαφριάς χορευτικής μουσικής, διακοσμημένη με ηχητικά εφέ και ήχους συνθεσάιζερ για να ερμηνεύσουμε το ψηλαφίσιμο και τη σύγχυση των συναισθημάτων στην πορεία, Στο τέλος, ξαφνικά έγινε σαφές και έγινε μια σταθερή πεποίθηση.Αυτό είναι το μοναδικό λυρικό στυλ της Jolin για ενήλικες.

Have an undefined tacit understanding you are my dear
Jolin Tsai "Dear Object" Theme song of the movie "About the Time That Ghost and I Became Family"
"Dear Object" is the theme song tailor-made for the movie "About Me and the Ghost Becoming a Family Member". After reading the movie script and trailer, Jolin gave "love" a new understanding, with " "Object" refers to the kind of intimacy that is not defined and does not need to be explained. After the baptism of time, some people may become family members, partners, and friends.
The English title of the song "Untitled" is the ideal state that Jolin pursues in this song. When the "relationship" between two people exceeds the limit defined by their names, it is better to maintain the comfort and tolerance of "Untitled", because love In essence, we can find our most comfortable landing point on the spectrum.
Jolin sings slowly with a story-like singing method, accompanied by warm but blurred piano sound, on the basis of Urban Pop, with the development of the story, it gradually introduces the rhythm of light dance music, embellished with synthesizer sound effects and sounds to interpret the groping and confusion of feelings along the way, In the end, it suddenly became clear and became a firm belief. This is Jolin's unique adult lyric style.

Τρίτη 10 Ιανουαρίου 2023

Wengie - This Christmas [Official Video]

Wengie - This Christmas [Official Video]
Zhang Bichen Fan Bingbing and other 100 star chorus "China" Various Artists New Year MV
100 αστέρια χορωδία "Κίνα" Διάφοροι καλλιτέχνες Νέο Έτος


Oooh yea,
Imma do it my way, do it my way
Imma do it my way, do it my way
This Christmas we gon do it do it my way
This Christmas yea I’m bringing out my own slay
This Christmas will be different and thats okay
Imma do it my way, do it my way
Imma do it my way, do it my way

I no I don't need snow
I just want you close
Don't wanna "Jingle all the way"
You can ring my bell though
You keep your presents, don't really want 'em
But I'll unwrap your cute little bottom
Let's celebrate the holiday, little differently

No fire side
No mistletoe
No twinkle lights yeah
Lets GO!

This Christmas we gon do it do it my way
Tell Santa that i'm bringing out my own sleigh (slay)
This Christmas will be different and thats okay
F*ck tradition
We'll make our own fun
Thats all i want
This Christmas

Don't care for elves or candy cane
Stocking stuffers are all the same
Cause i've been bad for goodness sake
Those ornaments; I want to break
I don't want a tree, or rudolf or frosty
Hate red and green, yeah, they all can block me
Let's celebrate the holiday
Little differently

No fire side
No mistletoe
No twinkle lights yeah
Let's go!

This Christmas we gon do it do it my way
Tell Santa that i'm bringing out my own sleigh (slay)
This Christmas will be different and thats okay
F*ck tradition
We'll make our own fun

Σάββατο 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2022

Steve Aoki + Jolin Tsai + MAX "It's All Good" (Official Music Video)

Zhang Bichen Fan Bingbing and other 100 star chorus "China" Various Artists New Year MV
100 αστέρια χορωδία "Κίνα" Διάφοροι καλλιτέχνες Νέο Έτος

Steve Aoki + 蔡依林 Jolin Tsai + MAX “都沒差” (Official Music Video) Steve Aoki + Jolin Tsai + MAX "It's All Good" (Official Music Video)

ⓒ 2021 Liquid State

oh my love
露出你的 自然色
we all need somebody to hold
we're just people in the darkness
equal in the darkness
the things that we can’t see
are the most beautiful, beautiful to me
we all need somebody to hold
we're just people in the darkness
equal in the darkness
people in the darkness
equal in the darkness
oh my love
we all need somebody to hold
we're just people in the darkness
equal in the darkness
the things that we can’t see
are the most beautiful, beautiful to me
we all need somebody to hold
we're just people in the darkness
equal in the darkness
people in the darkness
equal in the darkness
要再勇敢 再多一點
we all need somebody to hold
we're just people in the darkness
equal in the darkness
people in the darkness
equal in the darkness


Director: Ariel Michelle
Executive Producer: Aaron Johnson 
Producer: Aaron Johnson, Rob Blackwood
Production Co: Catcher Creative
DP: Doug Porter
Editor: Brendan Barone
VFX: Apix Films
Color: Zhé Quiñonez

Δευτέρα 14 Φεβρουαρίου 2022

Μάθε να νιαουρίζεις - Learn To Meow - cover by Feng Timo

Μάθε να νιαουρίζεις Learn To Meow - cover by Feng Timo

Learn To Meow (Official EDM Ver.) [学猫叫] - Wengie, XiaoPanPan, XiaoFengFeng (Say Meow Meow)

Impara a miagolare 冯提莫《学猫叫》[软字幕]

Ας μάθουμε να νιαουρίζουμε μαζί
Meow meow meow meow
φάρσα μπροστά σου
ουπς νιαουμ νιαου
η καρδιά μου χτυπάει δυνατά
γοητευμένος με το χαμόγελό σου
Αν δεν πεις ότι με αγαπάς, θα νιαουρίσω νιαούρ
Χρειάζομαι την αγκαλιά σου κάθε μέρα
Αγαπάμε κάθε στιγμή που περνάμε μαζί
πόσο σημαντικός είσαι για μένα
Νομίζω ότι ξέρεις καλύτερα από μένα
είσαι η ηρωίδα μου
Μερικές φορές είμαι τεμπέλης σαν γάτα
Όταν έχεις κακή διάθεση, δείχνεις τα δόντια σου και χορεύεις τα νύχια σου
είσαι πάντα ευγενικός
μπορεί να λιώσει την καρδιά μου
θέλω να είμαι η γάτα σου
Ας μάθουμε να νιαουρίζουμε μαζί
Meow meow meow meow
φάρσα μπροστά σου
ουπς νιαουμ νιαου
η καρδιά μου χτυπάει δυνατά
γοητευμένος με το χαμόγελό σου
Αν δεν πεις ότι με αγαπάς, θα νιαουρίσω νιαούρ
Ας μάθουμε να νιαουρίζουμε μαζί
Meow meow meow meow
θέλω να φορέσω το παλτό σου
μυρίζει πάνω σου
θες να γίνω η γάτα σου
Ο Λάι αποκοιμήθηκε στην αγκαλιά σου
Λαχταρώ την καλοσύνη σου κάθε μέρα
Μερικές φορές είμαι τεμπέλης σαν γάτα
Όταν έχεις κακή διάθεση, δείχνεις τα δόντια σου και χορεύεις τα νύχια σου
είσαι πάντα ευγενικός
μπορεί να λιώσει την καρδιά μου
θέλω να είμαι η γάτα σου
Ας μάθουμε να νιαουρίζουμε μαζί
Meow meow meow meow
φάρσα μπροστά σου
ουπς νιαουμ νιαου
η καρδιά μου χτυπάει δυνατά
γοητευμένος με το χαμόγελό σου
Αν δεν πεις ότι με αγαπάς, θα νιαουρίσω νιαούρ
Ας μάθουμε να νιαουρίζουμε μαζί
Meow meow meow meow
θέλω να φορέσω το παλτό σου
μυρίζει πάνω σου
θες να είμαι η γάτα σου
Ο Λάι αποκοιμήθηκε στην αγκαλιά σου
Λαχταρώ την καλοσύνη σου κάθε μέρα
Ας μάθουμε να νιαουρίζουμε μαζί
Meow meow meow meow
φάρσα μπροστά σου
ουπς νιαουμ νιαου
η καρδιά μου χτυπάει δυνατά
γοητευμένος με το χαμόγελό σου
Αν δεν πεις ότι με αγαπάς, θα νιαουρίσω νιαούρ
Ας μάθουμε να νιαουρίζουμε μαζί
Meow meow meow meow
θέλω να φορέσω το παλτό σου
μυρίζει πάνω σου
θες να είμαι η γάτα σου
Ο Λάι αποκοιμήθηκε στην αγκαλιά σου
Λαχταρώ την καλοσύνη σου κάθε μέρα

Let's learn to meow together
Meow meow meow meow meow
prank in front of you
oops meow meow meow meow
my heart is pounding
infatuated with your smirk
If you don't say you love me, I will meow meow meow
I need your hug every day
Cherish every moment we have together
how important you are to me
I think you know better than me
you are my heroine
Sometimes I'm lazy like a cat
When you have a bad temper, you show your teeth and dance your claws
you are always gentle
can melt my heart
i want to be your cat
Let's learn to meow together
Meow meow meow meow meow
prank in front of you
oops meow meow meow meow
my heart is pounding
infatuated with your smirk
If you don't say you love me, I will meow meow meow
Let's learn to meow together
Meow meow meow meow meow
i want to wear your coat
smell on you
wanna be your cat
Lai fell asleep in your arms
I crave your goodness every day
Sometimes I'm lazy like a cat
When you have a bad temper, you show your teeth and dance your claws
you are always gentle
can melt my heart
i want to be your cat
Let's learn to meow together
Meow meow meow meow meow
prank in front of you
oops meow meow meow meow
my heart is pounding
infatuated with your smirk
If you don't say you love me, I will meow meow meow
Let's learn to meow together
Meow meow meow meow meow
i want to wear your coat
smell on you
wanna be your cat
Lai fell asleep in your arms
I crave your goodness every day
Let's learn to meow together
Meow meow meow meow meow
prank in front of you
oops meow meow meow meow
my heart is pounding
infatuated with your smirk
If you don't say you love me, I will meow meow meow
Let's learn to meow together
Meow meow meow meow meow
i want to wear your coat
smell on you
wanna be your cat
Lai fell asleep in your arms
I crave your goodness every day

Impariamo a miagolare insieme
Miao miao miao miao miao miao
scherzo davanti a te
oops miao miao miao miao
il mio cuore batte forte
infatuato del tuo sorriso
Se non dici che mi ami, miagolio miao miao
Ho bisogno del tuo abbraccio ogni giorno
Custodisci ogni momento che abbiamo insieme
quanto sei importante per me
Penso che tu lo sappia meglio di me
sei la mia eroina
A volte sono pigro come un gatto
Quando hai un brutto carattere, mostri i denti e balli gli artigli
sei sempre gentile
può sciogliere il mio cuore
voglio essere il tuo gatto
Impariamo a miagolare insieme
Miao miao miao miao miao miao
scherzo davanti a te
oops miao miao miao miao
il mio cuore batte forte
infatuato del tuo sorriso
Se non dici che mi ami, miagolio miao miao
Impariamo a miagolare insieme
Miao miao miao miao miao miao
Voglio indossare il tuo cappotto
odora di te
voglio essere il tuo gatto
Lai si addormentò tra le tue braccia
Desidero la tua bontà ogni giorno
A volte sono pigro come un gatto
Quando hai un brutto carattere, mostri i denti e balli gli artigli
sei sempre gentile
può sciogliere il mio cuore
voglio essere il tuo gatto
Impariamo a miagolare insieme
Miao miao miao miao miao miao
scherzo davanti a te
oops miao miao miao miao
il mio cuore batte forte
infatuato del tuo sorriso
Se non dici che mi ami, miagolio miao miao
Impariamo a miagolare insieme
Miao miao miao miao miao miao
Voglio indossare il tuo cappotto
odora di te
voglio essere il tuo gatto
Lai si addormentò tra le tue braccia
Desidero la tua bontà ogni giorno
Impariamo a miagolare insieme
Miao miao miao miao miao miao
scherzo davanti a te
oops miao miao miao miao
il mio cuore batte forte
infatuato del tuo sorriso
Se non dici che mi ami, miagolio miao miao
Impariamo a miagolare insieme
Miao miao miao miao miao miao
Voglio indossare il tuo cappotto
odora di te
voglio essere il tuo gatto
Lai si addormentò tra le tue braccia
Desidero la tua bontà ogni giorno


Κυριακή 30 Ιανουαρίου 2022

VAVA - My New Swag (我的新衣) featuring Ty. & Nina Wang (王倩倩) (Official Music Video)

VAVA - My New Swag (我的新衣) featuring Ty. & Nina Wang (王倩倩) (Official Music Video)

My New Swag
Lyrics: VAVA/Ty.
Composition: Kas/Double_G

Look at me, from head to toe
Lookin' so bomb down to the detail
Rockin' a gold chain, J's on my feet
Jealous losers got no choice 'cept be wailin' online
The new Queen is here
Hurry get outta my way
Never cared for their cheap tricks
What to wear? Givin' me a headache
Take a deep breath, then hit the pedal
The Queen's new clothes be shinin' like stars
I'mma fashion genius What to wear? Let's see how I'm feelin' You can kiss my ring But hands off my crown I only be stressin' 'bout my style Wearin' my, wearin' my new swag Every day wishin' for a new surprise Wearin' my, wearin' my new swag Never forsakin' attention to detail Wearin' my, wearin' my new swag Every day wishin' for a new surprise Wearin' my, wearin' my new swag Never forsakin' attention to detail Rise and shine, which mirror to use? Let's do my hair, which floral pomade? Pat my face, which powder is best? For my lips, which shade of rouge? So many brands, lucky I ain't particular Wear what I want, whatever brand is fine I wear my clothes, those scrubs be clothed Yours truly is branded goods They nothin' but defects I'm pretty expensive and I keep risin' Walkin' through the streets I'm like a thousand Mercedes-Benz's I'm from Chengdu I'm Chengdu's gift for y'all normies What you're hearin' ain't just music, it be the truth Babygirls see me and rejoice like it's their birthday Kiddos idolize me, they like that I'm real I got your brothers, sisters, uncles, aunties They all be my fans If this your thing, get with the times Look at me, I don't care that my makeup is ruined No chance I'm leaving without my favorite perfume What kinda girl doesn't like being pretty? My HP so high Even that bad boy you love wanna pick a fight with me So many haters think I'mma thorn in their side When jealousy crawls from your soul to your face Being yourself is the best fashion choice Dress up pretty before you leave the house Gotta keep up this spirit Everyone be stunned when I show up I see through y'all who think I'm shallow Quit bein' hot and cold, pick a number and make a wish If you wanna get cool, you gotta be fresher every day VAVA 首張創作專輯 21 從 Rap Star 到 On My Way,堅持嘻哈,始終如一 --------- 我的新衣 詞:VAVA/Ty. 曲:卡斯/Double_G look at me 從上到下 就哪怕小的細節也要美到爆炸 帶上 gold chain J's 踩在腳下 嫉妒的也只能在網路上叫駡 新一代女王出現 快點都給我讓開 我從來不搭眼看他們設下的障礙 衣服換來換去怎麼辦已選擇頭疼 整理好心情再踩下油門 女王的新衣耀眼的星星 時尚的精英搭配什麼看我的心情 你可以親吻我的戒指 但不能碰我皇冠 我一天當中只有梳妝打扮時才忙亂 穿我的穿我的新衣 希望每一天有不同的驚喜 穿我的穿我的新衣 從來不敷衍打扮的精心 穿我的穿我的新衣 希望每一天有不同的驚喜 穿我的穿我的新衣 從來不敷衍打扮的精心 清早起來什麼鏡子照 梳一個油頭什麼花香 臉上擦的是什麼花粉 口點的胭脂是什麼花紅 牌子多幸好不太執著 穿我想穿的 隨便啥子牌子貨 我是人穿衣服 他們衣服穿人 老子人就是名牌 他們人是胎神 我的身份有點貴 還不停升值 走到街上就像一千台進口賓士 我來自成都 是成都的恩賜 你聽到的不光音樂還有真實 妹兒些看到我高興的就像過生日 弟娃些把我當偶像 喜歡我的耿直 還有哥哥姐姐叔叔阿姨都是粉絲 欣賞不來先把你的腳杆伸直 look at me 不怕妝都花了 噴上愛的香水否則不可能出發的 哪個女生不愛美時尚我滿血八格 你愛的那個 bad boy 都想與我有瓜葛 多少 hater 他們把我視為眼中釘 當嫉妒你從心裡爬到臉中心 做自己就是你做個最時尚的新人 打扮漂亮再出門 要堅持這種精神 當我出現每一眼都驚豔 討厭膚淺給我撿起你偏見 忽近忽遠抽個簽許下心願 要更酷炫每一天都更鮮豔

TOP Sites in Greece GREEK ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ SITES 2022 - snn.gr

Snn.gr TOP 500 Sites in Greece 2022 GREEK ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ SITES - snn.gr

1 :: Google.gr
Η μεγαλύτερη μηχανή αναζήτησης παγκόσμια στα ελληνικά.

2 :: Facebook.com
A social utility that connects people, to keep up with friends, upload photos, share links and videos.

3 :: Google.com
Enables users to search the world's information, including webpages, images, and videos. Offers unique features and search technology.

4 :: Youtube.com
YouTube is a way to get your videos to the people who matter to you. Upload, tag and share your videos worldwide!

5 :: Fanpage.gr

6 :: Zougla.gr
Ειδησεογραφία από την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο. Όλα τα νέα γύρω από την Πολιτική, Οικονομία, Υγεία, Τεχνολογία, Sports, Lifestyle, Auto - Moto, Media καθώς και εκπομπές με ζωντανές συνδέσεις. Δείτε την επικαιρότητα από το Webtv και διαβάστε όλες τις καθημερινές εφημερίδες.

7 :: Yahoo.com
A major internet portal and service provider offering search results, customizable content, chatrooms, free e-mail, clubs, and pager.

8 :: Skroutz.gr
Σύγκριση τιμών ηλεκτρονικών καταστημάτων.

9 :: Wikipedia.org
A free encyclopedia built collaboratively using wiki software. (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License).

10 :: Twitter.com
Social networking and microblogging service utilising instant messaging, SMS or a web interface. .

Σάββατο 18 Ιουλίου 2020

"Κίνα" Διάφοροι καλλιτέχνες 中國 Zhang Bichen Fan Bingbing and other 100 star chorus "China" Various Artists New Year

Zhang Bichen Fan Bingbing and other 100 star chorus "China" Various Artists New Year MV
100 αστέρια χορωδία "Κίνα" Διάφοροι καλλιτέχνες Νέο Έτος

張碧晨 范冰冰等百位明星合唱 《中國》群星賀歲版MV

中國 zhōngguó Κίνα
華語群星 huáyǔ qúnxīng Κινέζικα αστέρια
中國 zhōngguó Κίνα

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